“Our focus is to daily earn our trust of the community as a local Oil and Gas Company,” began Cynthia, the director of public affairs for Aera Energy. Rotarians gathered at 10000 Ming Ave at the Aera Corporate Building for an off-site visit of our local oil and gas company. Cynthia, who has been working for Aera for the last three years, introduced Felina and Janie her two new public officers. “Public Affairs is about opening and maintaining relations with our local communities and decision making people in order to operate in the territory.” Cynthia and her staff dedicate time and effort to educate the public on the benefits Aera brings to the community. “There is still a role for Oil and Gas Companies to operate by providing jobs, funds to non-profit organizations, and energy to our Country.”

Despite the recent oil crisis which saw the price of crude oil plummet from $110 to $40 a barrel, costing many jobs to other oil companies, Aera was able to maintain almost all of its employees thank to the dedication of leaders like Cynthia who visited and re-visited the operation management of the company cutting costs of over $300 million dollars. “This is efficiency,” proudly announced our presenter while leading the present Rotarians on a short tour of the Aera Tour Center. The different problem solving and innovating leadership approaches deployed by Aera Energy intrigued many of the present Rotarians and made this a memorable offsite for all.