One quarter down and three to go!  Whew!  What an incredibly satisfying whirlwind it has been, with two socials under our belt, a number of donations distributed by our amazing Foundation, and one community service project completed thus far, we are definitely off to a great start and I truly hope that you are appreciating life in Rotary as much as I am! 

 Behind the scenes we have a great deal of work being done on several projects to promote Rotary and serve the community.  A heart-felt thank you to Zane Smith, Grants Chair for taking on the task of drafting a Group 2 (Bakersfield clubs) Public Image Grant.  With this $1,000 grant if awarded, a We are Rotary public service announcement will be made focusing on the great work done by Bakersfield Rotary Clubs and will include a call to action for others to join Rotary!

In addition to this grant project, “Covey Cottages,” the tiny homes veteran village, is one step closer to coming to fruition.  For those that do not already know, Group 2 Rotary Clubs and others have participated in a District Designated Grant project to build the community house at the village. 

Looking ahead, in October, we are gearing up for the holiday season with our Fall Social at the McCalley’s on October 25, 2019 6-9pm, Trunk or Treat and fining for thanksgiving baskets!  Be ready to open your hearts and wallets to ensure we can deliver on our annual promise for a family meal for the residents of North Bakersfield!   Thank you for your continued service and friendships!  You are appreciated!